Warm and Cozy: Filipino Foods to Enjoy During the Rainy Season

When the rainy season hits the Philippines, it's time to indulge in comforting and hearty dishes that warm the soul. From savory soups to sweet treats, Filipino cuisine offers a delightful array of foods perfect for wet and chilly weather.

Jun 8, 2024 - 19:01
Jun 8, 2024 - 23:55
Warm and Cozy: Filipino Foods to Enjoy During the Rainy Season


Comforting Flavors of the Philippines Perfect for Rainy Days

The rainy season in the Philippines, typically spanning from June to November, is characterized by frequent downpours and cooler weather. This season calls for hearty and comforting foods that not only warm the body but also bring a sense of coziness and nostalgia. Filipino cuisine, known for its rich flavors and diverse influences, offers a variety of dishes perfect for the rainy days. Here are some beloved Filipino foods that are particularly popular during the rainy season.




1. Arroz Caldo: The Ultimate Comfort Food

Arroz Caldo, a Filipino rice porridge, is perhaps the most iconic rainy season dish. Derived from the Spanish “arroz” (rice) and “caldo” (broth), this dish is a delightful blend of glutinous rice, chicken, ginger, and garlic, often garnished with spring onions, calamansi (Philippine lime), and hard-boiled eggs. Its soothing, mild flavor and warm, thick consistency make it the perfect antidote to the cold and damp weather. Arroz Caldo is not only filling but also has a comforting quality that evokes childhood memories of being taken care of during a storm.




2. Sinigang: A Tangy, Hearty Stew

Sinigang is another staple that Filipinos turn to during the rainy season. This sour soup is made with tamarind as the primary souring agent, although other ingredients like green mango, calamansi, or even unripe guava can also be used. Sinigang is versatile, with common variations including pork, shrimp, fish, or beef, all simmered with vegetables such as kangkong (water spinach), radish, eggplant, and string beans. The tangy, savory broth of Sinigang is not only satisfying but also believed to help ward off colds and flu.




3. Lugaw: Simple Yet Satisfying

Lugaw is another type of rice porridge that is simpler than Arroz Caldo but just as comforting. Made with plain rice cooked to a mushy consistency in water or broth, Lugaw is often enjoyed with toppings such as boiled eggs, tofu, chicken, or pork intestines. This dish is a go-to during the rainy season for its simplicity and the ease with which it can be prepared. A hot bowl of Lugaw, seasoned with fish sauce, soy sauce, or a squeeze of calamansi, is a cozy, satisfying meal that can warm anyone up on a chilly day.




4. Champorado: Sweet Chocolate Rice Porridge

For those with a sweet tooth, Champorado is the rainy season comfort food of choice. This sweet chocolate rice porridge is made from glutinous rice, cocoa powder or tablea (pure cocoa tablets), and sugar. Served hot, it’s often paired with salty dried fish (tuyo) to balance the sweetness, creating a delightful contrast of flavors. The thick, chocolatey goodness of Champorado is reminiscent of childhood breakfasts and rainy mornings spent at home.




5. Bulalo: A Bone-Marrow Broth to Warm the Soul

Bulalo is a beef shank and marrow soup that is especially beloved during cooler weather. The beef shanks are simmered for hours until tender, creating a rich, flavorful broth. Bulalo is typically cooked with corn on the cob, cabbage, potatoes, and green beans, making it a hearty and nutritious meal. The highlight of this dish is the bone marrow, which diners often scoop out and savor with a dash of salt. Bulalo’s deep, savory broth and tender meat make it an ideal dish for rainy days.




6. Ginataang Bilo-Bilo: A Chewy, Coconutty Delight

Ginataang Bilo-Bilo, also known as Ginataang Halo-Halo, is a dessert made from sticky rice balls (bilo-bilo), cooked in a rich coconut milk sauce with slices of sweet potato, saba bananas, and tapioca pearls. The coconut milk gives the dish a creamy texture, while the rice balls add a delightful chewiness. This warm, sweet dish is perfect for a rainy afternoon, providing a comforting and filling snack that can bring warmth and cheer.




7. Monggo Guisado: Nutritious and Hearty

Monggo Guisado is a mung bean stew that is both nutritious and comforting. Cooked with mung beans, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and often flavored with fish sauce or shrimp paste, this stew is commonly paired with leafy greens like malunggay (moringa) or spinach. Sometimes, it is cooked with pork or shrimp to add more flavor and substance. Monggo Guisado is a hearty dish that can easily warm up cold, rainy evenings.




Savoring Tradition

The rainy season in the Philippines is more than just a time of inclement weather; it’s a season that brings people together through food. Whether it’s the hearty broth of Sinigang, the comforting warmth of Arroz Caldo, or the sweet indulgence of Champorado, Filipino rainy season foods are a testament to the country’s rich culinary heritage. These dishes not only provide warmth and nourishment but also evoke a sense of home and belonging, making the rainy season a time to cherish and savor.



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led_allaci Led Allaci is a full stack web developer who used to work for different companies to build and promote their brands online. Currently, he works as a freelancer working on different projects, including but not limited to the maintenance of this site. He likes traveling, writing, meeting new friends, and drinking Chūhai (チューハイ). Check out his work on your browser @ www.derusan.com